Every day I go out and check the herd. I do it with as little stress to them as possible. At first I would be lucky to get within 50 meters of them. I've slowly been getting closer and closer. Today was the turning point. Jack and I started across the field to check on them. When they saw us they started coming to me. I just stopped Jack where we were and waited. after I stopped this video I rode through the herd without any fuss. Ranching doesn't have to be a rodeo. A slow calm approach reduces stress on the cattle and in the end makes working with them a lot easier.
Taking shortcuts never pays off in savings. There are 3 gates between the North pasture (where the cattle are) and the south pasture where we all letting the grass grow thick and lush before moving the cattle on to it. Tonight I was riding Turbo and as usual Jack was along for the fun. I opened the center gate then stopped to take the picture with Indi (the cattle dog).
In a moment of “I really don’t know what I was thinking” I decided to leave the gate open as we were only going to do a quick check and then ride right back. The second picture is seconds before 64 cattle decided to chase the cattle dog, and it was a site to see. Indi in the run for his life with all the cattle in hot pursuit. Of course Indi ran straight for the open gate. By the time I got to the gate with Turbo half the herd were through.
After a full lap of the south pasture I managed to reunite the herd.
Note to self shortcuts don’t pay. Do it right or don’t do it at all