Raised Naturally is something we truly believe in at Sky Hound Ranch. Our grass is our greatest asset and is what grows our cattle. We don’t want their food covered in chemicals. Agriculture should be about fostering life and growing natural nutrient dense food. Herbicides, Pesticides, Fungicides by their name are about killing, however they more often kill the good with the bad and strip the soil.
Regenerative Agriculture is a process that is trying to reverse that course. Avoiding tillage, rotational grazing, diversity of forage species, cover crops are just a few ways that we can improve the soil and ultimately improve our environment.
We should all want to know what goes into the food we eat. The best way to do this is reach out to a local farmer, one who will welcome you, show how your food is raised, treated and harvested.
Contrary to what you might see at rodeo events, working cattle on the Ranch is done in a slow and low stress manner. Over the summer we continually ride through the herd getting the cattle use to us and the horses. That way when it is time to rotate pastures or round up for transport its just another day of walking around for them.
We strive to have our animals live as good a life as possible until that "one bad day". During their time with us they have lots of good grass, ample water, kind treatment and low stress handling. I would often ride out to check the herd and on my way back to the "barn" find I had approximately 80 cows following me, and no they were not keeping 6 feet apart