This has been asked to me a lot. As a kid I grew up in Saskatchewan, influenced by my grandfather; Horseback riding, camping, fishing, and spending weekends at rodeos with ranch friends and helping out during branding season.
After leaving home my 27 years in the military and years after that as helicopter pilot flying mostly in Central America and West Africa had me travel the globe. I saw some absolute beautiful places and some that I would rather forget. I also saw the damage that "progress" was doing to the environment. It made me want to get back to my beginnings, horses, cattle, and ranching. After reading about permaculture and regenerative agriculture I decided that was the direction I wanted to go.
It took over two years of searching to find the right piece of land for the Ranch. Countless hours searching the internet, thousands of KMs on the truck going to look at properties and a few false starts (I got excited but they didn't pass the "Beverly" test) and a few missed opportunities. 
So what were we looking for? I wanted a quarter section that was suitable for horses and cattle, something that was fenced, or could be, with lots of pasture and water available, could be a turn key farm or bare land to develop. Beverly was more concerned with proximity, she wanted something within an hour of town and it had to have some diversity, fields, hills, trees and as a Maritimer water was highly desirable. She once told me it had to pass the "Ice Cream test". That meant that if she bought Ice Cream at the Grocery store she would have to make it home before it melted. I offered to buy a cooler that plugged into car but apparently that was not part of the rules. Luckily after an exhaustive search we found our little piece of heaven.
Sky Hound Ranch is 149 Acres 55 minutes away from our home in St Albert. It is located on the west side or Lessard Lake, in Lac Ste Anne County From the edge of the property to the shore of Lessard Lake is about 180 meters. It is fenced for livestock and apart from one old cattle shelter there was no infrastructure, but it had everything we were looking for. There is about 100 acres of pasture. The pasture is currently divided into the "South" pasture and the "North" pasture. They are rolling hills with some tree line wind breaks and some scattered copse of trees. Each Pasture has a dugout for water. The South East corner of the property has 30 acres that is mixed forest (bush). There are numerous trails crossing the woods and it extends into both the South and North pasture also providing shelter for the animals. On the far eastern edge there is 19 acres of wetland with a 3 acres pond in the middle. During the spring/ Summer season there are 60-100 ducks, geese and other birds in the wetlands on any given day.
Even in our first year we were amazed at the diversity of plant and animal live our little corner of the world supports. Beverly has been cataloging the birds and has identified well over 40 species of birds and is in the process of logging the varieties of plant life. Deer, Elk, Coyotes criss cross the Ranch and although I have not seen one yet Moose also populate the area.
When we first looked at the property it was the dead of winter. By the time we bought it the snow was still hanging on in parts of the property but the trees were still bare and the grass was still brown. I knew I had struck gold when I took Beverly up in early June after everything was green. With tears in her eyes said "This is absolutely beautiful". She was 100% correct.
Adam Kaine- Owner and CEO. Growing up in Southern Saskatchewan I was introduced to horses and Ranching by my grandfather. I spent as much time as possible on horseback, weekends travelling to local rodeos and helping at friends Ranches during branding season. After school I joined the Military, first as an Army Artillery Officer then transferring to the Air Force as a Helicopter pilot. After a 27-year career in the military, including 5 operational tours and one overseas posting, I continued flying helicopters around the world, mostly in Central America and West Africa.
That whole time I never lost my passion for horses, nature, and the Ranching way of life. Like many others, living through the pandemic had me re-evaluate what is important in my life. I decided to follow my passion and on March 31 2021, with a dream and a plan, I took possession of some bare land in Lac Ste Anne County and Sky Hound Ranch was formed.
Jack (aka- Its Mister to you). The old man of the ranch horses. Jack is a 15.2 HH Quarter horse and he is all business. Jack and Adam have been partnered up since 2008. Jack is a “been there done that” horse. He has moved with the family from Ontario to New Brunswick and back to Alberta. He has been ridden in Team penning and sorting competitions and has countless trail miles in locations across Canada. He isn’t fond of roping (although we still try every now and then) but he is a rock solid horse who is as comfortable in high mountain passes and thick bush as he in moving cattle from pasture to pasture.
Turbo. The young gun of the ranch horses. Turbo is a 15.3 HH Appendix Quarter horse. This means he is 7/8 quarter horse and 1/8 Thoroughbred. He came to the Ranch in 2020 and has become a great cattle working and roping horse. Turbo is super friendly and loves just spending time with people, he is also a bit of a joker. If you leave your hat or gloves (or anything else) laying around, you can expect they will become a source of entertainment for him.
The Breadlove location:
Thursday 12- 5 PM
Friday 10 AM-5 PM
Saturday 9 AM- 2 PM
Farm Gate Sales (St Albert home office location)
Monday 4 PM- 8 PM
Wednesday 4 PM- 8 PM
Thursday 4 PM- 8 PM
Other times by special appointment
Order online 24/7
See our “How it works” page for complete information.
The Home office and FarmGate sales are located at 29 Durocher St, St Albert, AB.
The Ranch location is approximately 1 hour North West of Edmonton in Lac Ste Anne County. From Edmonton take Hwy 16 West towards Jasper. Turn North on Hwy 43 for 48KM to the town of Cherhill, AB. From Cherhill take Range Rd 53A South 3KM to the Ranch. 55505 Rge Rd 53A
The Ranch welcomes visitors to come up and see how we do things, just to get away and enjoy some peace and quiet or to throw on some boots and work gloves and experience ranch life firsthand.
To visit please send a Facebook message or email Adam at to set up a time.
If you are interested in an extended stay The Ranch offers RV and tent camping. To book a stay visit and search Sky Hound Ranch.