One of my biggest influences was my Grandfather. At the age of 3 my "Grampy" put me on a horse and I was hooked. He had a number of horses, big beautiful horses, Chico (I still have a scar on my thumb from feeding carrots to him with my thumb up in the air), Sheila his go to mare and his Palomino- Amad a mixture of my name because my mom refused to allow him to name a horse after her son:-)
In the early 1970s our vacations were wagon trains like the one from Wood Mountain Saskatchewan to Wolfe Point Montana in 1972. At 3 years old I wanted to be one of the outriders but was stuck with Mom and Nannie as they drove the car and trailer to the next nights stop, not fair after all I was a cowboy (at least that is what my 3 year old self thought). Grampy taught me to ride on a little pony named Candy but I wanted to be on Chico and riding with the cowboys.
Those were great summers, stopping each night for a barn dance or a pow wow and usually ending the last day as part of the opening parade for some rodeo somewhere. By 1972 I was upgraded to "wagon passenger" still not what my now 4 year old self wanted but at least I got to spend the day with Grampy on the trail.
To say I wanted to be just like Grampy might be an understatement. When we were not riding we were fishing or hunting or traveling to rodeos. So while I look forward to our first full year of running Sky Hound Ranch I am taking time to reflect on the man who put me on the path to who I am today.
Grampy I miss you but I know you are in a better place where the sun always shines, the meadows are green and the horses never buck, well almost never.